

During the first semester of the project, four master students made their internship:

  • Natalia TATARU worked on workpackage 1
  • Hiba AJABRI worked on workpackage 2
  • Soumaila DABANGUIBE worked on workpackage 3
  • Silmi ANDARI worked on workpackage 4

During the second year of the project, several master students make an internship

  • Gautham Kumar Ramana Moorthy worked on workpackage 4
  • Zine Eddine DJAMI works on workpackages 4 and 3


Méthodes de tri:

    Communications dans un congrès

  • Hiba Ajabri, Jean-Marie Mottu, Erwan Bousse. Defining KPIs for Executable DSLs: A Manufacturing System Case Study; Dans 12th International Conference on Model-Based Software and Systems Engineering (MODELSWARD 2024) - 2024 - [hal-04453453] doi

  • Silmi Aprilia Andari, Olivier Cardin, Pascal Berruet, Romadhani Ardi. Serious Game as Learning Media for Reconfigurable Manufacturing System: A Model Development; Dans 10th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control MIM 2022 - 2022 - [hal-04053044] doi

  • Chapitres d'ouvrages

  • Pascal André, Olivier Cardin. A Core Reference Model for Applicable Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems - 2024 - [hal-04440581] doi

  • Pascal André, Virginie Goepp. A Framework for Defining Customised KPI in Manufacturing Systems - 2024 - [hal-04440557] doi




Rodic atelier xDSL 2024