WP0. Project management
- coordinated by LS2N
WP1. Human interaction design and evaluation
- coordinated by Lab-STICC
- recruitment
- Loïck Simon – Research Engineer – PhD
- includes the recruitment of a Post-Doc student co-supervised by Lab-STICC and ICUBE
WP2. Configurations control system effectiveness and efficiency assessment
- coordinated by LS2N
- recruitment
- Hiba Ajabri, PhD student, Nantes University, NaoMod research group, co-supervised by LS2N (Jean-Marie Mottu, NaoMod research group and Pr Christian Attiogbe, VELO research group) and Lab-STICC (Pr Pascal Berruet, FHOOX)
WP3. Layered Module Models, MBSE verification and code generation of the control system
• coordinated by LS2N
- recruitment
- Yasmina Daliyoucef, PhD student, Nantes University, co-supervised by LS2N (Pascal André, VELO research group and Erwan Bousse, NaoMod research group) and CPS3 research group (Olivier Cardin)
WP4. Integration of results and evaluation
- coordinated by ICUBE
- recruitment
- Zine Eddine DJAMI, Master student internship, Nantes University, co-supervised by ICUBE (Virginie Goepp) and LS2N CPS3 research group (Olivier Cardin)